A TEI Project

TABLE OF CONTENTS of this Second Part of don Quixote de La Mancha

First Chapter. About the conversation the priest and barber had with don Quixote about his illness. 427

Chapter II. Which deals with the notable struggle that Sancho Panza had with don Quixote’s niece and housekeeper, with other amusing matters. 437

Chapter III. About the laughable conversation that took place between don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and the bachelor Sansón Carrasco. 440

Chapter IIII. Where Sancho Panza satisfies the bachelor Sansón Carrasco’s doubts and questions, with other events worthy of being known and told. 448

Chapter V. About the wise and amusing conversation between Sancho Panza and his wife Teresa Panza, and other events worthy of happy remembrance. 452

Chapter VI. About what happened to don Quixote with his niece and his housekeeper—one of the most important chapters in the entire history. 458

Chapter VII. About what don Quixote said to his squire, with other very famous events. 462

Chapter VIII. Where what happened to don Quixote on the way to see his lady, Dulcinea del Toboso, is recounted. 468

Chapter IX. Where is told what will be seen in it. 475

Chapter X. Where the deception Sancho used to enchant the lady Dulcinea is revealed, and other events as ridiculous as s true. 478

Chapter XI. About the strange adventure that happened to don Quixote with the car or cart of The Parliament of Death. 486

Chapter XII. About the strange adventure that happened to the brave knight don Quixote with the brave Knight of the Mirrors. 491

Chapter XIII. Where the adventure of the Knight of the Forest is continued, with the discreet, novel, and delicious conversation that took place between the two squires. 496

Chapter XIIII. Where the adventure of the Knight of the Forest continues. 501

Chapter XV. Where the identity of the Knight of the Mirrors and his squire is revealed and made known. 510

Chapter XVI. About what happened to don Quixote with a discreet gentleman of La Mancha. 511

Chapter XVII. Wherein is declared the climax and extreme to which the unheard-of bravery of don Quixote reached or could ever reach, with the very fortunate conclusion of the Adventure of the Lions. 519

Chapter XVIII. About what happened to don Quixote in the castle of the Knight of the Green Coat, with other extravagant things. 527

Chapter XIX. Where the adventure of the enamored shepherd is recounted, together with, in truth, other amusing events. 535

Chapter XX. Where the wedding of Camacho the Rich is recounted together with what happened to poor Basilio. 541

Chapter XXI. Where the wedding of Camacho is continued, together with other delightful events. 548

Chapter XXII. Wherein is related the great adventure of the Cave of Montesinos, which is in the heart of La Mancha, which the brave don Quixote de La Mancha brought to a happy conclusion. 554

Chapter XXIII. About the marvelous things that the incomprable don Quixote said he had seen in the deep Cave of Montesinos, the impossibility and magnitude of which have led to this adventure being held apocryphal. 561

Chapter XXIIII. Where a thousand trifles, as irrelevant as they are necessary to the true understanding of this great history, are recounted. 570

Chapter XXV. Where the adventure of the braying is set down along with the amusing one about the puppeteer and the prophesies of the divining ape. 575

Chapter XXVI. Where the delightful adventure of the puppeteer is continued, together with other things that are in truth good. 582

Chapter XXVII. Where is revealed who maese Pedro and his ape were, together with the unfortunate outcome don Quixote had in the Adventure of the Braying, which didn’t turn out as he wanted and planned. 590

Chapter XXVIII. About things that Benengeli says that whoever reads them will learn, if he reads attentively. 597

Chapter XXIX. About the famous adventure of the Enchanted Boat. 600

Chapter XXX. About what happened to don Quixote with a beautiful huntress. 606

Chapter XXXI. Which deals with many and great things. 610

Chapter XXXII. About the response that don Quixote gave his reprimander, with other grave and amusing events. 616

Chapter XXXIII. About the delicious conversation that the duchess and her maidens had with Sancho Panza, worthy of being read and noted. 628

Chapter XXXIIII. Which tells how the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso was to be disenchanted, which is one of the most famous adventures in this history. 633

Chapter XXXV. Where the information that don Quixote received about Dulcinea’s disenchantment was continued, together with other astonishing events. 639

Chapter XXXVI. Where is recounted the extraordinary and never-before-imagined adventure of the Distressed Duenna, otherwise known as the Countess Trifaldi, together with a letter that Sancho Panza wrote to his wife, Teresa Panza. 645

Chapter XXXVII. Where the famous adventure of the Distressed Duenna is continued. 650

Chapter XXXVIII. Where the story of the misfortune of the Distressed Duenna is told. 651

Chapter XXXIX. Where Trifaldi continues her stupendous and memorable history. 657

Chapter XL. About things that pertain to this adventure and to this memorable story. 660

Chapter XLI. About the arrival of Clavileño and the end of this long adventure. 664

Chapter XLII. About the first bits of advice that don Quixote gave Sancho before he went to govern the ínsula, with other well-thought-out matters. 674

Chapter XLIII. Concerning the second set of advice that don Quixote gave to Sancho Panza. 677

Chapter XLIV. How Sancho Panza was taken to his government, and the strange adventure that befell don Quixote in the castle. 682

Chapter XLV. How the great Sancho Panza took possession of his ínsula and how he began to govern. 690

Chapter XLVI. About the fearful feline bell scare that befell don Quixote in the course of the amours of the amorous Altisidora. 696

Chapter XLVII. How Sancho Panza’s progress in his government is continued. 699

Chapter XLVIII. About what happened to don Quixote with doña Rodríguez, the duenna of the duchess, with other events worthy of being written about and eternal memory. 706

Chapter XLIX. About what happened to Sancho making the rounds of his ínsula. 712

Chapter L. Where it is declared who the enchanters and tormentors were who whipped the duenna and pinched and scratched don Quixote, together with what happened to the page who took the letter to Teresa Panza, wife of Sancho Panza. 721

Chapter LI. Of the progress in the government of Sancho Panza, together with other events, such as they are. 729

Chapter LII. Where the adventure of the second Distressed (or Afflicted) Duenna, otherwise named doña Rodríguez is realted. 736

Chapter LIII. About the troubled end and conclusion of Sancho Panza’s government. 741

Chapter LIIII. Which deals with things about this history and none other. 746

Chapter LV. About the things that happened to Sancho on the road and other things that cannot be surpassed. 752

Chapter LVI. About the colossal and unheard-of battle that don Quixote had with the groom Tosilos, in defense of the daughter of the duenna doña Rodríguez. 757

Chapter LVII. Which deals with how don Quixote bade farewell to the duke, and what happened with the discreet and impudent Altisidora. 762

Chapter LVIII. Which deals with how so many adventures rained onto don Quixote that they had no room to move about. 766

Chapter LIX. Where an extraordinary incident befell don Quixote, which can be regarded as an adventure. 774

Chapter LX. About what befell don Quixote along the way to Barcelona. 780

Chapter LXI. About what happened to don Quixote as he entered Barcelona, with other things that are truer than they are clever. 791

Chapter LXII. Which deals with the adventure of the enchanted head, with other nonsense that has to be revealed. 793

Chapter LXIII. About Sancho Panza’s ordeal during his visit to the galleys, and the novel adventure of the beautiful Moorish woman. 803

Chapter LXIIII. Which deals with the adventure that gave don Quixote the most sorrow of any that had happened to him. 810

Chapter LXV. Where it is revealed who He of the White Moon was, together with the return to freedom of don Gregorio, and other events. 814

Chapter LXVI. Which deals with what the person who reads it will see, or the person who is listening to it will hear. 818

Chapter LXVII. Of don Quixote’s resolve to become a shepherd and live in the country during the year of his vow, with other events that are truly pleasurable and good. 822

Chapter LXVIII. Of the bristly adventure that happened to don Quixote. 826

Chapter LXIX. About the rarest and most unusual event that happened to don Quixote in the course of this great history. 830

Chapter LXX. Which follows the sixty-ninth and deals with things necessary to the clear understanding of this history. 835

Chapter LXXI. What happened to don Quixote with his squire Sancho on the way to their village. 841

Chapter LXXII. How don Quixote and Sancho arrived at their village. 845

Chapter LXXIII. About the omens that don Quixote saw when he entered his village, with other events that embellish and authenticate this great history. 849

Chapter LXXIIII. About how don Quixote fell ill, the will he dictated, and his death. 853


Date: June 1, 2009
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